• Features

All About Koji - Rice Malt

  • delicious Japan
  • October 2017

We've heard that this October will mark the 110th anniversary of your company. What do you value most with your products?
Quality is the utmost importance at Horaiya. We believe that our mission as a food manufacturer is to provide high quality products for our customers to enjoy. For 110 years, we have constantly endeavored to attain our high standards of quality and have been working to further improve our products.

Tell us about the characteristic of your products.
Horaiya is a koji manufacturer and we have been implementing our traditional koji production method for over 100 years. Koji is a delicate mold that is the foundation of Japanese fermentation culture including sake, miso and amazake, and the development of koji is key to all of our products. We perfected this delicate koji fermentation production and developed products that express the value of our traditional koji.

What kind of certifi cations or awards have you received?
Horaiya’s products are Kosher-certified by the Kosher Division of London Beth Din (KLBD). Our amazake is the only Kosher-certified amazake and our miso is the first miso to obtain Kosher certification. Our amazake also received the Monde Selection Gold Award three times and is recognized as a high quality product. We hope to communicate to consumers that Horaiya is a reliable food manufacturer.

What do you want to introduce to the overseas buyers most and why?
Our amazake! Amazake is a traditional Japanese fermented rice drink loved since the Edo period. It is excellent hot on a cold, wintery day to warm up your body, but also tastes great cold on a hot, summery day to obtain necessary nutrients.
Amazake also has many health and beauty benefits. Since our amazake is non-alcoholic, everyone from children to the elderly can enjoy our amazake.

Who are your target consumers?
The health and beauty benefits that amazake has is extraordinary. The koji rice malt breaks down the rice to produce many different enzymes, essential amino acids and vitamins, especially vitamin B. In addition, koji produces kojic acid, which prevents freckles and discoloration of skin, leading to beautiful skin. Drinking amazake can be the perfect skin care. The value of amazake is incredible and we hope to spread the advantages of drinking amazake to healthconscious and beauty-conscious consumers abroad.

What triggered the current amazake boom in Japan?
The high nutritional value of amazake became widespread and people who are concerned about their well-being began drinking amazake. Although well known as a winter drink, the benefits of drinking amazake helped establish its title as a summer drink as well. Hot, summer days reduce your appetite and cause fatigue due to lack of nutrition and hydration. Amazake is the perfect drink to combat these troubles and regain energy.

What are your future goals?
We hope to further improve our traditional koji production method to provide even better products for our consumers. Rather than being satisfied by our current state, we want to continue advancing and tackle new challenges. We aim to extend our products to reach those who are abroad and promote traditional Japanese food culture.

Misaki Tanida
International Market Development of Horaiya Honten

Although born and raised in the U.S., I have lived with Japanese food my entire life. I wanted to spread traditional Japanese food to other countries and act as a bridge between Japan and abroad. I especially love fermentation, both the food and the process, and thus, I am working on spreading the marvels of Horaiya’s koji products to the rest of the world.